Exhaust Tube Air Conditioners
Plug-and-play units that can be operational within seconds
The manufacturing, production and industrial processing are getting tougher day by day with the increasing competition. Every stalled production counts as lost money & every wasted product starts to mount up! These tight margins are pushing the manufacturing and industrial sector to invest in nothing but the best to keep up with its standards. We ensure all your qualitative aspects are kept stable by providing the finest climate control solution
Andrews Sykes Climate Rental has a huge knowledge in dealing with raw material, products, people and essential processes and maintaining them at a constant temperature. We offer cooling for workers during the summer months for productivity, large scale process cooling in manufacturing of products and ensuring the right environment for your stored products in the storage and warehouses.
We have been supporting the industrial and manufacturing sector to enhance their environment leading to a smoother productivity and their business continuity. Our split type air conditioners and exhaust tube units can be used to keep the area cool and even reduce the humidity in the industrial plant.
Over the years, we have gained local knowledge and expertise to serve you better and the capability to be able to provide you with the right equipment so as to keep your processes moving and prevent any halts in your businesses.
Our portable AC units, are able to handle heavy workload and function non- stop for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, whilst providing cool and fresh air and keeping your environment fresh all day throughout. We rent out our portable AC’s to maximize your productions with flexible designs, cost effective units and value added solutions, which makes us a major player in the Middle Eastern HVAC rental markets.
Our expertise over the years in delivering cooling solutions in various industrial plants, production and manufacturing units and factories acts as an added advantage in serving to you. Whether you are faced with emergency breakdowns or are scheduling a planned maintenance, Our AC units can offer you a complete cooling solution to protect your assets and employees.
Heat Sensitive Equipment in Warehouse: During the hot summer months the warehouse manager of one of the warehouses in Ruwais was very concerned about the heat sensitive equipment stored in his warehouse. A lot of heat to the equipment would degrade the quality and also make it unusable. Andrews Sykes Climate Rental was called at once to offer wild air cooling to maintain the temperatures to 29oC to ensure that the stored heat sensitive equipment would not be damaged by the hot summer months.
Plug-and-play units that can be operational within seconds
Designed for use in server rooms, data centres and offices
Delivering a cooling effect where power is unavailable
Adding moisture to indoor applications that require it
Providing cooling capacities of up to 90kW from a single unit